› added 4 years ago


TIL: Thanks to a 1665 idea of King Charles II (and to river-meandering), there's a cut-off 5-mile lobe of Kentucky that's not connected to any of Kentucky; it's all surrounded by other states (Missouri & Tennessee). Fewer than 20 people live in this "bubble" of KY ("Bubbleland" AKA "Kentucky Bend").

0dALR TIL the last living grandchild of Queen Victoria, Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, lived until 1981
BgNOx TIL of the walking catfish, which is able to breathe air and use its pectoral fins to "walk" and move to different aquatic environments. Native to Southeast Asia, it became an invasive species in Florida during the 1960s and has been sighted in California, Connecticut, Georgia, and England.
Brp9L TIL about proffesional French "flatulist" Joseph Pujol, aka Le Pétomane, who discovered as a young man that he could suck air into his anus and fart on command. He was the highest earning French entertainer of his time.
68EY TIL a young Frenchwoman robbed a bank with friends, her friends were caught, but she escaped and left the country. She obtained false documents and for 25 years lead a new life in Mexico where she became a psychotherapist and mother. Four days before the statue of limitations ended, she was arrested
neNJo TIL humans are not the only primate that curse. Chimps do it to. In project Washoe, chimps being taught sign language internalized taboos around the toilet, with the sign “dirty” representing something shameful. They started using that sign as an admonition or to express anger, like a swear word.