› added 3 years ago


TIL the highest g force voluntarily experienced by a person was 46.2 g's by John Stapp. He rode a rocket sled that reached a top speed of 632 MPH, The land speed record at the time and he stopped in 1 second. For a brief moment his body weighed 7700 pounds.

BM1b TIL that when trains were introduced in the U.S, many people believed that that “women’s bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour.” And that their “uteruses would fly out of [their] bodies as they were accelerated to that speed.”
bDN0 TIL NASA had an accident while testing spacesuits for the Apollo moon missions, and caught it on camera. The test subject was accidentally depressurized while in a vacuum chamber, and lost consciousness and experienced his own spit boiling. The team took nearly a minute to save him from the chamber.
jMPv TIL of Dragonskin a new generation of body armor. In one test this armor was shot by 150 rounds of various calibers of bullets including steel core rounds. It took a grenade at point blank range to damage the armor and yet was not enough to break through.
py6b TIL that for over a century (colonial times-WWII) May 1st was ‘Moving Day’ in New York when tenants along with their belongings abandoned their abodes to criss-cross the city in mass migration to fresh dwellings.
R5gL7 TIL in just a 24-hour period (March 4-5 1966), two fatal accidents occurred on flights from or to Tokyo Haneda Airport. The second plane, BOAC Flight 911, had in fact taxied past the wreckage of the first, Canadian Pacific Airlines Flight 402, immediately before taking off.