› added 5 years ago


TIL of Sir Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin. He invented fingerprint analysis, weather maps, the concept of mathematical correlation, the phrase “nature versus nurture,” and psychometry—the measuring of intellect (IQ tests).

BrDMd TIL that Genrich Altshuller, a Soviet engineer, was given a 25-year prison sentence for sending Joseph Stalin a letter explaining a desire to improve Soviet engineering. He later went on to write science fiction books and found a famous engineering school.
4XmVN TIL No one has died from being bitten by a Rabid Dog in the United States for over 40 years. Canine-specific rabies has been completely eradicated in the US, although other mammals can transmit other strains of the disease.
p84ap TIL that Bosnian Croats have the genetic potential to be the tallest population in the world, the average Herzegovinian man can grow to 6'3 (190cm) but they rarely reach that height due to poverty and malnutrition.
1aLnP TIL the reason for the Netherlands not being underwater is due to its complex network of dikes, ditches, canals and pumping stations that have been built through the course of its history. It is so intricate that controlled flooding can create a ring of fortification around Amsterdam, its capital.
nWnNG TIL that egg donors are often mislead about the dangers of the procedure because the industry is so lucrative. Reported long-term effects include "aggressive breast cancer, loss of fertility, and fatal colon cancer."