› added 4 years ago


TIL of Joy Milne who claimed that she smelled a distinct odor in patients with Parkinson's disease like her husband. She sniffed 6 shirts from people with Parkinson’s and 6 from healthy controls and identified 7 had it. 8 months later the "healthy" patient she "misidentified" was diagnosed as well.

6N6Y TIL that in Detroit during the 1930’s, a man named Joseph Figlock was walking down the street when a baby fell from a window and landed on Figlock, neither was harmed. A year later, Figlock was walking down the same street when the same baby fell from the window onto him again, neither was harmed.
W7o8B TIL Christiaan Huygens was one of the first astronomers to apply mathematical principles to the design of optics rather than trial and error, and his telescope could study Saturn's ring system. The Huygenian eyepiece he invented in the 17th century is still in use today
LveQ TIL that in 1946, the UK created a secret torture program targeting communists, many of whom survived Nazi concentration camps.
mxZQy TIL Ravoux's slavemaker ant is a species where the queen can fake her own death to encourage ants from a rival colony to drag her body back to the nest. When there, she kills the nest's queen and bathes in her pheromones, becoming the new queen. Her soldiers overrun the colony and take control.
jNMGQ TIL in 1981 members of a U.S. nuclear semiotics team believed if the world ended, survivors 10,000 years in the future might not know what the radiation symbol means. So they proposed breeding bioluminescent cats that would glow when they came near radiation to serve as living indicators of danger.