› added 4 years ago


TIL about Gustave the Crocodile. Estimated to be over eighteen feet long, and weighing more than a ton, Gustave allegedly killed over 300 people. It has bullet scars from failed attempts on its life. It's so large that it's forced to attack larger prey. It's still on the loose, and is still growing.

Z84XB TIL The Nutcracker ballet was originally a commercial failure, it only gained popularity in the late 1960s. Currently most American ballet companies generate 40% of their annual revenue from it.
ANwdo TIL the Japanese words 青 (ao) and 青い (aoi) can refer to either blue or green depending on the situation.
KPNG TIL a US Marines airplane cut through a cable car wire at an Italian ski resort, which caused the cable car to plunge 80 meters (260 feet) to the ground, killing all 20 people onboard. One of the crewmen later destroyed incriminating evidence against himself and the rest of the crew.
GYjPE TIL of the ‘3-30-300 rule’, a proposed rule in urban planning that argues that everyone should be able to see at least 3 trees from home, with a 30% canopy cover in each neighbourhood and the nearest park being a maximum of 300 metres away.
loMX7 TIL Human Alarm Clocks: Before the advent of reliable and affordable alarm clocks, British and Irish workers were woken up by a person who made sure they could get to work on time. The knocker-up used a baton to knock on clients’ doors or a long and light stick to reach windows on higher floors.