› added 4 years ago


TIL about Juan Pujol García, a double agent who tricked German leaders about the date and location of the invasion of Normandy which lead to its success. He was notable for having received distinction from both sides; the Iron Cross from the Nazis and membership of the Order of the British Empire

XEkOR [TIL] Carlos Hathcock crawled over 1500 yards in enemy territory over three days to shoot a general in the heart. On a separate mission he shot an enemy sniper through their scope.
p891A TIL that in 1898 doctors began to suspect that smoking caused lung cancer, despite the fact that there were only 140 published cases of the then rare disease in 1900
0wP8L TIL that one of the things the Mafia can trace it's origins to is the citrus trade in the mid 1800's. The extortion, intimidation, and protection rackets that characterize Mafia activity were first practiced and perfected in the citrus gardens of Palermo, Italy.
D1QbV TIL Robert Rodriguez & John Malkovich made a movie called "100 Years" that will be released when a high-tech safe automatically opens on November 18th, 2115. 1,000 guests possess metal tickets for a viewing, which they may pass down to their descendants.
ynk8 TIL after the 2012 earthquake in Italy damaged €110,000,000 worth of Parmigiano cheese, world-renowned chef Massimo Bottura spread the word on social media how to easily make Risotto. As a result, almost all the cheese was utilized and the company didn’t have to lay off a single employee.