› added 7 years ago


TIL that Twitter holds the patent on “dragging down from the top of your screen to refresh the current page,” but agreed when they acquired the patent to only use it on anyone who sued them first.

ANAOl TIL The world's largest ball of paint is located in Alexandria, Indiana. The ball of paint is 12 feet in diameter and weighs over 15 tons. It was created by Earl W. Bascom over the course of 30 years, is made of lead-based paint, which is no longer used in the United States & worth around $1 million
6EOB8 TIL that while some members of a K-pop group are singers or dancers, some members are given the role of being the group's "visual". This means that they fit Korean beauty standards the most. Sometimes these members are accused of not having any talent other than being good-looking.
dNA7 TIL The real Grizzly Adams caught a one-year-old brown bear, and taught her to follow him and carry a pack and then to pull a loaded sled. She even cuddled up near Adams to keep him warm in freezing conditions. Eventually, the bear – named Lady Washington – allowed Adams to ride on her back.
PWre TIL that a 1984 study showed that hospital patients assigned to rooms with windows looking out onto scenes of nature had shorter recovery times, were better behaved and required fewer painkillers than patients assigned to rooms with windows facing brick walls.
9wNQD TIL about John of Nottingham, a magician in the 14th century who plotted to assassinate Edward II and Hugh Despenser by using wax effigies.