› added 8 years ago


TIL that on the 2013 Blu-ray of “Matilda”, they included a clip of the infamous chocolate cake scene reenacted with all the original actors at a reunion party

MKR8 TIL Maria Sharapova has a candy company called Sugarpova. She was seriously considering changing her name to Sugarpova before the 2013 US Open.
R7oD7 TIL Gaze following is instinctual for many animals—including humans, chimps, dogs, goats, dolphins, and even the red-footed tortoise. Dogs glance back and forth between human and where the human is looking. The behavior, only seen before in humans and chimps, is called check backs or double looking.
y8wX TIL that UPS delivery drivers only make right hand turns. UPS uses engineers and software to plan routes for their drivers that only have right turns, unless a left turn is absolutely necessary. This saves them time and fuel by never having to wait at stoplights, or in traffic, to make a left turn.
Ob6g TIL that Dale Dye, a Vietnam vet, was so “pissed off” at Hollywood’s depiction of war that he offered his services as an advisor and now runs “the entertainment industry’s top military consultancy company”. He’s worked on Platoon, The Pacific and, for some reason, Entourage.
WmR9 TIL the Nazi’s used German boxer Max Schmeling in propaganda after he beat African American Joe Louis. Schmeling disliked the Nazis, he refused Hitler’s gifts and hid Jewish children during Kristallnacht. He would later becomes friends with Louis and was a pallbearer at his funeral.