› added 1 year ago


TIL about the Montevideo Maru, a Japanese naval ship sunk in 1942 by a U.S. submarine whose crew was unaware it was carrying over a thousand prisoners of war. It remains Australia's worst-ever maritime disaster, and the wreck was discovered only last week.

v1ZDB TIL that Roman Emperor Domitian staged a banquet so spooky the guests were sure they were going to die by execution sometime during the night.
0wX8A TIL that Robert Hill, a Jamaican entertainer, was driving when a police car ran a red light and hit him. He took video of the Jamaican police coming into his house and threatening him not to seek damages. He was later shot by the police, who called it a "shootout", after releasing the video.
EgGLW TIL that two different women (Marguerite Georges and Giuseppina Grassini) had sexual affairs first with Napoleon and later with the Duke of Wellington. Georges even expressed her preference for Wellington: "The Duke was by far the strongest"
MYW0 TIL the first documented cases of cancer were found on papyrus manuscripts in Egypt dating back to 3000 BC. In these manuscripts, 8 cases of breast tumors are mentioned that were removed by cauterization with a tool called the fire drill. The writing says about the disease, “There is no treatment.”
RWpl TIL a modern jet fighter is purposefully designed to be aerodynamically unstable, with onboard computers which constantly work against this instability. This allows the jet to pull off super-agile manoeuvres by relaxing the efforts of the computer systems