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TIL in 2018 a flatulent passenger who refused to stop farting forced a plane to land and police to be called to remove four fliers after a fight erupts on board.

yVWbJ TIL about a banned French dish that involves consuming a small bird, called an Ortolan Bunting, whole, bones and all. It's been outlawed due to the species almost becoming extinct, and the controversy of preparing the bird. The bird is force-fed millet to fatten it up and then drowned in Armagnac
yVjZJ TIL the original Uncle Fester was played by the first child actor, Jackie Coogan, from Charles Chaplin's 'The Kid '
KO5Ga TIL That archaeologists in China found a surprising haul in one tomb, where they uncovered a bronze cooking pot. When they opened the pot, they found 2,400-year-old bone soup. Because of oxidization, the soup turned green, but it was still in liquid form, and the bones were still floating on top.
wLdg1 Today I learned that the three rulers of Great Britain , Russia, and Germany, respectively, were first cousins. Additionally, Czar Nicholas II of Russia, King George V of Britain were friends since childhood and were mistaken for each other because they looked so alike.
KOnOB TIL that comedian Pete Davidson’s father, Scott Davidson, was a New York firefighter who died on September 11th, 2001 when entering the World Trade Center towers. He was last seen entering the ground floor of the WTC Marriott to help victims who had been trapped by the first crash.