› added 2 years ago


TIL that since the pandemic began, home values in Cape Coral, Florida have increased by 85.96%, which is the largest increase in the United States

b95nj TIL People with arteriosclerosis have pimple-like growths, called plaques, inside their artery walls. These pimples are stuffed with a kind of pus. When a large, ugly yellow plaque pops open, it attracts red blood cells that form a clot, blocking the artery and causing a heart attack or stroke.
drQK TIL that Thomas Edison taught his second wife Morse code so they could communicate in secret by tapping into each other’s hands when her family was around
w8WW TIL that one of the most famous pubs in Australia is the Young and Jackson Hotel. It is famous for its portrait “Chloe” of a very nude 19 years old girl, which hangs over one of the bars. It was considered scandalous at the time, but still hangs there.
awXQb TIL that men produce a higher percentage of motile sperm in their ejaculates after viewing sexually explicit images of two men and one woman (a sperm competition risk) than after viewing sexually explicit images of three women, likely indicating a response to an active risk of sperm competition.
Xl4D TIL Isaac Asimov once said: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States…The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our life, nurtured by the notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”