› added 6 months ago


TIL in 1318 a pretender to the throne, John Deydras, was hanged for sedition. At trial he had blamed his cat (devil in disguise). So they hanged the cat as well.

rRj9e TIL Ross Perot is one of the most successful 3rd party presidential candidates, winning 19% of the popular vote as an independent in 1992. Active in issues relating to POWs in the Vietnam War, he orchestrated a daring rescue of two of his own employees who were taken hostage in Iran in 1979.
RD8l TIL that Patrick Stewart has said that playing Jean-Luc Picard changed him as a person. “…I suppose [he] even had some influence on me. I became a better listener than I ever had been as a result of playing Jean-Luc Picard because it was one of the things that he does terrifically well.”
ADQZ4 TIL a mother suffers from hyperlactation syndrome, an over production of breastmilk. Instead of dumping her milk she decided to donate them. She spends 4-5 hours each day pumping milk and in two years she has donated 609 gallons of breastmilk, most going to feeding premature babies.
b6ooj TIL that Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys is deaf in one ear, due to getting hit in the side of head with a lead pipe when he was a child.
xOBk TIL a lawyer was trying to prove, in a murder trial, that someone shot themselves, accidentally. While the lawyer was reenacting it he accidentally shot himself and died. He proved his point and the defendant was acquitted, only to be shot himself a few years later.