› added 1 year ago


TIL: The Sateré-Mawé tribe coming of age ritual involves gathering bullet ants, weaving them into a glove, sedating them, and then putting on the glove an hour later so that when the ants wake up, they are furious. Boys have to do this about 20 times at age 13 before becoming a man.

e0xn TIL Christopher Lee,known for his work with LOTR and Star Wars, has the Guinness World Record for most film acting roles, and has released two metal albums.
MYZV TIL in ‘92, a doctor was accused of raping a woman while she was sedated in his office. He was cleared after DNA tests did not match. It was later discovered that he foiled the DNA test by implanting a tube of another man’s blood under his skin.
Olkg TIL 100% of the studies (n=74) concluding aspartame to be safe for consumption are funded by the Nutrasweet® industry, while 92%(n=92) of the studies claiming the compound to have the potential for adverse effects (e.g. head aches, brain tumors, seizures and mood disorders) are independently funded.
loVKV TIL that "nail houses" are buildings in China that are left standing alone whilst massive development progresses around them, usually looking really awkward and out of place when the project is done. This happens because their owners refuse to leave their homes and the development progresses anyway.
JdZ8 TIL That after being mistaken for dead, dynamite inventor Alfred Nobel was shocked to read his obituaries, one of which dubbed him “The Merchant of Death”. He thought to redeem himself by donating his wealth in trust to celebrate life achievements. The Nobel Prize