› added 2 years ago


TIL the Amistad case, wherein the Supreme Court granted the return of slaves to Africa, is credited with being the first civil rights case in the U.S. John Quincy Adams, who argued the case, was 72 yrs old, almost blind, a Congressman, and had not argued a case as a lawyer in more than 30 years.

LQWnP TIL the word Snafu started off as a military acronym for the phrase Status Nominal: All Fouled Up. The military acronym started in the 1940s and was meant to highlight situational messes on missions. The term has since graduated to accepted slang.
E19m7 TIL: The default location of an IP address in the USA, if no more granular location information is available, is mapped to a farm in Kansas. Because of this, the owners have been constantly harassed and visited by the FBI, IRS and others who have been scammed by someone with a US IP address
p85N8 Today I learned that Eva Mozes Kor and her sister survived the Holocaust Twin Experiments. They never got to say goodbye to their family, and were the only two to survive. Instead of hating them for what they’ve put her through, Eva forgave them. She died July 4, 2019.
YbQB TIL Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States, has been the only president to date who affirmed (in law) rather than swore to the oath of office
rRvlx TIL that old houses in US could have hundreds of old rusting razor blades between the walls. This is the result of a safe solution designed to dispose blades after being used, which was to drop them in a slot in the wall.