› added 11 years ago


TIL that there is a “three generations of punishment” sentence in North Korea. This means a person would be sent to the camp along with that person’s entire family and two subsequent generations of family members would be born in prison and live their entire lives there.

EeZ7 TIL that Johnny Depp’s daughter nearly died from an E.Coli infection and had an extended hospital stay. In order to thank the hospital for taking care of her, Depp dressed up as Jack Sparrow and read stories to kids for four hours.
QJoJ9 TIL according to models, Titanic should have tipped over about an hour into the sinking, killing practically everyone. Miraculously a rare coal fire during the voyage required coal to be shifted to the opposite side of the ship, creating a list that offset the incoming water during the sinking
KOAZR TIL Bobby Fischer who is considered the greatest chess champion of all time lived the last 16 years of his life as a fugitive after the U.S government put a warrant out for his arrest for violating a trade embargo against Yugoslavia by participating in a chess match there.
9Y817 TIL that Pete Brownell, of Brownell firearms, is also CEO of the NRA.
D1B0j TIL that the writer Anaïs Nin was bigamously married and kept the two husbands secret from one another. She had a “lie box” to keep track of the stories she told both husbands. Some twenty years later, she revealed the secret and both men forgave her after they learnt she was dying from cancer.