› added 6 years ago


TIL Bruce Willis was forced to sign a three picture deal with Disney after he pulled out of ‘The Broadway Brawler’, a romantic comedy about a hockey player. The three movies he made were 'Armageddon’, 'The Sixth Sense’, and 'The Kid.’ The movies combined to gross an estimated 1.3 billion worldwide

xVEww TIL that 18 century mathematician Carl Gauss knew he was ahead of his time, and would purposefully withhold huge mathematical discoveries so he didn’t have to waste his time arguing with everyone who wasn’t smart enough to understand it.
b9Mda TIL the Mormon Church maintains a $100 billion investment fund meant for religious, education, and charitable purposes, exceeding the combined net worths of the world's largest university endowment (Harvard University) and the world's largest philanthropic foundation (Gates Foundation)
vej7 TIL that there is a simple version of Wikipedia, called the Simple English Wikipedia, which uses only simple words and grammar and is for people who are learning English and also for people who want to understand something fast.
N7r1M TIL When his eight years as President of the United States ended on January 20, 1953, private citizen Harry Truman took the train home to Independence, Missouri, mingling with other passengers along the way. He had no secret service protection. His only income was an Army pension.
WO54 TIL courts can order Vaccinating of a child Over the Parents’ wishes during a outbreak