› added 9 years ago


TIL Mr. Snuffleupagus met the human cast of Sesame Street due to a string of high-profile pedophilia cases. The writers felt by having the adults refuse to believe Big Bird, they were scaring children into thinking their parents would not believe them if they had been sexually abused.

8eQlX TIL that during Prince's Super Bowl halftime show volunteers accidentally ran over and severed three power cables during the stage set up, so a member of the lighting crew stripped the ends and held the cables in place by hand for the entire 12 minute show in the rain.
DQAne TIL When en route to prison following an arrest for witchcraft in 1619, Joan Flowers asked for bread as a substitute for the Eucharist. She claimed that something so blessed could not be consumed by a witch. She choked and died after the first bite.
D1eLe TIL Jeff Bezos funded a team that searched the Atlantic Ocean for discarded NASA rockets. By 2013, the team salvaged two rockets. After careful inspection, the team realized they found part of the rockets used to carry Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the moon on Apollo 11.
We64 TIL when asked what future technology they would most like to have, young adults answered “time travel” more than any age group, while 30-to-49-year-olds wanted robot servants more than any other age group. Senior citizens were the least interested in time travel.
9wdKm TIL in 2001 an artist covered a house in Powell, Wyoming with 10,000 pounds of government issued pepper Jack cheese. The town was so excited about the Cheese House they even threw a parade and crowned a Cheese King and Queen.