› added 8 years ago


TIL a Minnesota man was busted for building a “vibrator bomb” he intended to give an ex-girlfriend for Christmas. This vibrator was filled with gunpowder, BB shot and buckshot and he said“when the device was inserted into the female he would pull the trigger and it would blow them up.”

Z9rD TIL that in 2010 in the United States, 3 out of every 5 people who died from gunshot wounds took their own life
OoXo7 TIL Cyanide comes from bamboo
MevYA TIL The USPS used to burn letters sent to "Santa". Now nonprofit organizations respond to children's letters on behalf of Santa
Brrnr TIL that there were giant apex predator otters roaming China millions of years ago.
eM0k TIL the phone number for the Canadian government is 1-800-O-Canada