› added 7 years ago


TIL of Dunbar’s number, a theory that suggests there is a cognitive limit to how many people one person can maintain a meaningful relationship with. The number he suggests, 150. There are 4 layers to this; your 5 closest friends, 10 “best” friends, 35 “close friends”, and 100 not so close friends.

oBM6Y TIL that in June and September 1963, President Kennedy federalized thousands of Alabama National Guardsmen in order to enforce desegregation in Alabama and end Governor Wallace's blockade of the University of Alabama and an Alabaman public school
YQGW TIL beneath the streets of LA is a complex network of pedestrian tunnels that stretch several blocks. They’ve been used for secret transportation of mobsters, murderers and more than a billion dollars in cash; designated as fallout shelters and homeless shelters and used as backdrops for movies.
7r1KL TIL Daniel Waters, screenwriter of "Heathers" also co-wrote "Batman Returns"
OoxpX TIL of Hans Munch - the good man of Auschwitz - the only doctor who refused to participate in the selection process. He created elaborate, safe, experiments to keep his subjects from being exterminated. He is the only person to be acquitted at the Auschwitz Trials.
neKDP TIL there was a successful "real life" demonstration of driverless automobile technology over 60 years ago in Lincoln, Nebraska. Broader implementation stalled due to a lack of interest from other states in funding the necessary infrastructure.