› added 6 months ago


TIL that Austrian schools and kindergartens keep a stockpile of potassium iodide pills in case of a nuclear disaster

nevDd We’ve seen people on skateboards and motorcycles loop the loop many times. Damian Walter is the first human to do it on foot. To run it without falling, you need to reach the right speed; then, centrifugal forces will keep you locked on the track. Note how his shoulder line stays dead centre of the loop. For this particular one, Damian needed to accelerate up to 8.65 mph in the highest point to be able to gain enough inertia as to rotate his body and legs around his head fast enough, so when gravity finally wins, he’s already feet down on the track.
nGOY TIL that Donald Duck has a huge cult following in Germany. Belonging to the society “D.O.N.A.L.D”, fans (known as Donaldists) hold annual meetings, have lectures, and have even infiltrated respected German newspapers, where they’ve inserted Donald quotes only other Donaldists would understand.
dle7 TIL the man who first artificially cloned a fish was later forced to give up his research and become a janitor by the Chinese government during the Cultural Revolution.
690kZ TIL In January 1944 the Australian 9th Division found the Japanese 20th Division’s entire cryptographic library in New Guinea. The codes were buried in a steel trunk during a retreat and found by engineers looking for mines. This find lead to around 36,000 messages being decrypted in March alone.
lp5N TIL magazine and clip are not interchangeable terms when talking about guns.