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TIL that C.S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley both died on November 22nd, 1963. However, their deaths were overshadowed by the more prominent death of John F. Kennedy on the same day.

jypX TIL the world’s first bio-adaptive building facade in Hamburg uses algae-filled biomass panels to capture heat, reflect light and generate electricity - “it is, in essence, an architectural ecosystem”
W7yld TIL of Mary Tofts who successfully tricked doctors into believing that she had given birth to rabbits. OK, the year was 1726, and it was in the darker regions of England, but even the surgeon to the Royal Household of King George I fell for it. Nonetheless, rabbit stew was off most tables for a time
xrjb TIL in Greek Mythology, the God ‘Phosphorus’ represented the planet Venus, or the 'Morning Star’, as the Bringer of Light. The Latin translation of Phosphorus is Lucifer.
J0EB TIL There are approximately 35,000 stray dogs living on the streets of Moscow. Some have learned to obey traffic signals and, through their acute sense of smell, navigate the subway system. There is even a statue for Malchik, a stray dog who was stabbed by a passerby in 2001.
0waE1 TIL the shape of bagels came from Europe centuries ago. One theory is that Jews in 13th century Poland were allowed to boil (but not bake) bread, and the shape distinguished the bread. But that's not the whole story, modern food science proves the shape increases cooking surface area and chewiness.