› added 3 months ago


TIL one of the first legal documents outlining the existence of limited liability companies was drafted in 1455: A venetian sued the Medici branch of Bruges for a defective shipment. The defendant succesfully argued that the only liable party was the London branch, which sold him the shipment

8kK8 TIL a Canadian Non-Profit organization began teaching Vancouver-area alcoholics how to brew their own beer and make wine in an effort to keep them from drinking alternate sources of alcohol, like rubbing alcohol, mouthwash, and hand sanitizer
VMwPB TIL that bill Watterson was strongly opposed to merchandising calvin and hobbes, claiming that displaying images on commercially sold products would devalue the characters and their personalities. Bill's stance against commercialism is the main reason why the series never made it to TV or movies.
VoLD Today I learned it’s against United States Federal law for government workers and law enforcement to deprive you of your rights, punishable by time in jail–even the death sentence. This is a law that is not enforced.
QNDZX TIL about Captain Richard J. Flaherty AKA “The Giant Killer”, one of the smallest men to ever serve in the military at 4’ 9” / 97lbs. He earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart (1OLC), Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Combat Infantryman’s Badge and Parachutist Badge in the Vietnam War.
69BLY TIL that only 11 states served Coors in 1975, and wasn’t available in all 50 until 1991