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TIL Vincent van Gogh created around 2,100 artworks during his lifetime. This includes about 860 oil paintings and over 700 drawings. Despite his prolific output, he only gained widespread recognition and acclaim posthumously. Van Gogh’s artwork can be viewed on his official page.

e0EGL TIL: The hybrid offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a Tigon. The hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger is called a Liger. A litigon is a rare second generation hybrid from a female tigon (a hybrid between a male tiger and a female lion) and a male lion ????
wnMo TIL one of the greatest heists of $100 million in diamonds/jewelry was pulled off in 2003. This all came to an end, when a half eaten salami sandwich was traced back to the leader of the team who pulled off the heist.
yVJre TIL during the gulf war an American F-15 dropped a bomb through an enemy helicopter that was attacking friendly forces
epWEk TIL the company that makes ‘Baby Ruth’ candy sued Babe Ruth for company infringement when he tried to create his own candy company. They claimed it was named after Grover Cleveland’s daughter, Ruth, who had died 17 years before the candy hit the market. Babe Ruth lost the suit.
gr8Nb TIL At the time that Atari released the home version of Pong in 1974 the computer chip the game used was the highest-performing chip used in a consumer product. It was also Sears best selling product at the time, far exceeding expectations.