› added 4 months ago


TIL In 1954, the CIA ordered Carcano rifle ammo for anti-communist forces. The leftover ammo and rifles were re-imported and sold wholesale to the public, including to Lee Harvey Oswald, who used them to assassinate JFK.

mxYbR TIL in 1925, two medical students received a cadaver and a challenge. In response, they spent 1,500 hours dissecting a human nervous system -- beginning at the base of the brain and working downward -- leaving the system intact in one continuous piece.
Q9dM TIL that some Americans are upset about sharing a local Costco with Canadians because they’re clogging checkout lines, blocking aisles and taking up parking spots. Costco had to hire off-duty police officers to keep the peace in the parking lot as drivers literally fought for empty spots.
6NvY TIL that as a teenager Vlad the Impaler was a hostage of the Ottoman Turkish Sultan, and learned Turkish during this time. Later, while fighting the Ottomans, Vlad would disguise himself as a Turk, infiltrate and destory a series of fortresses.
78kjx TIL: The US DoD invented a PHASR which is a non lethal laser rifle which serves to disorientate and blind the target. While blinding laser weapons were banned in 1995 by the UN, the PHASR was allowed as the effect was temporary. It was tested in New Mexico and the name derived from Star Trek.
NP9b TIL that some cattle ranchers in South Dakota lost between 20 and 50 percent of their livestock in winter storm Atlas, and may not be eligible for insurance due to the expiration of the Farm Bill and federal government shutdown.