› added 1 year ago


TIL The world's largest ball of paint is located in Alexandria, Indiana. The ball of paint is 12 feet in diameter and weighs over 15 tons. It was created by Earl W. Bascom over the course of 30 years, is made of lead-based paint, which is no longer used in the United States & worth around $1 million

rRAAd TIL a pod of killer whales used to hunt with Indigenous Australians. The pod would lead another whale into a bay then whistle to the hunters. After they had killed the whale, the pod would get the tongue and lips before the hunters took the rest.
VMe18 TIL Karate changed it's spelling from 唐手 to 空手, changing it's meaning from "Chinese hand" to "empty hand" (both are pronounced karate). This was because of Japanese militarism, they wanted to conceal the fact that it developed under the influence of Chinese kung fu.
DWVv TIL in 1991 the tallest structure in the world at the time (a radio tower in Poland) collapsed due to poor maintenance. No structure exceeded the height of the collapsed Warsaw Radio Tower until the Bujr Khalifa was completed in Dubai nearly two decades later.
jEev TIL that in an effort to reduce widespread tax evasion, the Chinese government incorporated a scratch-off lottery into the state-run receipt system, encouraging consumers to demand a receipt and thus preventing businesses from under-reporting income. It was successful.
x6Kg0 Til that In Russia in 1643, Tsar Michael instituted the punishment of removing the nose of those who used snuff .