› added 9 years ago


TIL that when basking sharks decay their carcasses take on the appearance of plesiosaurs (ancient aquatic reptiles) including a long neck and tiny head. There have been numerous “plesiosaur” discoveries which turned out to be decayed sharks.

MwLB TIL Mohammad Mosaddegh was a democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran who was overthrown by CIA in 1953 for having the audacity to nationalize the Iranian oil industry by seizing it from the hands of the England and USA
AOQg TIL scientists are developing edible meat grown from stem cells, which they hope will replace meat from slaughtered livestock.
Z8Nwo TIL in 1927, during the worst flood in the history of the Mississippi River Valley, Herbert Hoover and the Red Cross set up "concentration camps" comprised of African Americans forced to work at gunpoint on the levee, and created a media campaign to cover it up.
noKr TIL that in 2007, while excavating for a new building in Central London, archeologists discovered the unmarked isolated remains of a teenage Roman girl. She was later reburied on site with full Roman burial rites, and her tomb is marked by a Latin inscription commemorating the “Unknown Roman Girl.”
E1orx TIL in 1963, Alweg (known for Disneyland's Monorail) offered to fund/build a monorail transit system throughout Los Angeles County at no cost to county taxpayers. Instead, L.A. County authorities killed off the project due to being pressured from Standard Oil of California and General Motors.