› added 2 years ago


TIL world's last Stone Age society exists on North Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean, and they are identified for protecting their island upon all visitors. Because they have been living in isolation for 60,000 years, there is genetically a direct path between them and their pre-Neolithic ancestor

kOGkB TIL of penis fencing, a mating behavior in hermaphroditic species of flatworm. Two flatworm “fight” and try to penetrate the other's epidermis and inject sperm into them (aka "traumatic insemination"). The loser becomes fertilized and is known as the "mother", while the victor becomes the "father"
9v6p TIL Johnny Cash’s hit “A Boy Named Sue” was written by famed American author Shel Silverstein.
5YloR TIL that Hangul, the Korean alphabet is considered to be the most logical alphabet in the world, partly because the shapes of its consonants mimic the shapes of the speaker's mouth when pronouncing each consonant
woEO1 TIL: The AICPA (which is responsible for All CPAs in America), has a program known as the "Federal Key Person" for CPAs who know a Congressperson or a person who knows a Congressperson. They receive information from the AICPA when important matters arise, to privately inform their assigned target.
JwY4 TIL there is a species of flatworm that after sex, if the female has been filled with unwanted sperm from an undesirable partner, it can double over, put its mouth over its genital opening, and suck the sperm back out. This gives the female control over who fertilises her eggs.