› added 3 years ago


TIL That in 1762, Benjamin Franklin had a hollow walking stick created that could secretly hold ~1 pint of oil in it. When the head of the stick was pushed down, it would release oil from the bottom. He did this to trick his friends into thinking he had the power to calm waves in troubled waters.

OoYEL TIL Orcas, and other marine mammals, are given a plethora of drugs to deal with their captivity. These drugs include antacids (to treat ulcers from stress), antibiotics (for injuries and infections), antipsychotics, benzodiazepines (valium, again for stress), and contraceptives.
Y7nvW TIL Mountain Dew, Fresca, and other food had been banned in the EU and Japan for containing brominated vegetable oil (BVO) - bromine is also commonly used as a flame retardant. Over consumption has resulted in medical attention needed for memory loss and nerve disorders, amongst other issues.
n5xr TIL 1,000 people wrote in to disagree with Marilyn von Savant’s (World’s Highest IQ) answer to the Monty Hall problem. And they were all wrong.
R7BdQ TIL of The Guardian Angels. A grouped formed in 1979 to combat violence in the NYC subway system. Trained in patrol & citizens arrest, members are told if other citizens' lives are endangered, they are allowed to do whatever is lawful and necessary. They can be spotted by their signature red beret.
R7Eg4 TIL The Great White Shark has the ability to evert their stomachs. It is their version of throwing up by pushing their stomachs out through their mouths. Sharks do it when they need to get something out of their stomach that they can’t digest, like hard bone or a license plate.