› added 3 years ago


TIL Saskatchewan was a hotbed of LSD research in the 1950s with a 50% success rate in treating alcoholism and and architect using LSD used the infamous hospitals to make future institutions more comfortable for the mentally ill.

dDWDB TIL that Embalming wasn't commonly used in US funerals until the US Civil War, when morticians followed after both armies selling their services for embalming and shipping, and several prominent Civil War figures were embalmed and displayed, including Abraham Lincoln.
yVGvX TIL the Geneva Convention prevents the use of the graphic + cross symbol (and crescent) in almost all circumstances — except to indicate or to protect the medical units and establishments.
7rgYp TIL that builders of Japan's Nijō castle created squeaky floors to prevent ninja assassins from sneaking in. The floors were designed so that just the lightest step produced a clearly audible sound, warning guards that danger is approaching and forcing a ninja to abandon his plots for the night.
Oonng TIL Aussie slang or “strine” is often characterized by making words as short as possible; the story goes it developed by speaking through clenched teeth to avoid blowies (blow flies) from getting into the mouth.
R7Mw9 TIL The first sitting member of Congress to be assassinated was an Arkansas Congressman murdered by the K.K.K in 1868. Despite identifying his killer by name before his death the assassin was never arrested or charged with a crime.