› added 4 years ago


TIL People with Schizophrenia in African and Indian cultures tend to have positive experiences when hearing voices. Those in the United States predominantly have violent and hateful experiences.

QJNVX Finland’s Lapland is home to over twenty thousand reindeer, but with thousands killed every year due to vehicle collisions in the dark, herders now cover the animals’ antlers with a harmless fluorescent paint that glows in the light of oncoming cars but is otherwise invisible. both female and male reindeer in Lapland grow antlers, which they shed in the spring, so a new coating is reapplied in the fall.
NXdgb TIL that in 546 BCE Argos and Sparta had an all-star "Battle of the 300 Champions," where both sides picked their best hoplites and agreed to fight to the death. The two surviving Argives thought they'd won and left, leaving behind a single injured Spartan on the field. He also claimed victory.
VMxR4 TIL King of Prussia Frederick II to lure his subjects to grow and eat potato who at first refused to do so, ordered his soldiers to guard the fields but not too strictly and allow stealing. The peasants assuming the fruits must be very precious to be guarded, started growing and eating them.
DanV TIL Adam Reed (creator of Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo, Archer) and his partner Matt were reprimanded while working at Cartoon Network for “usually working heavily intoxicated”.
eV6L TIL three times more IKEA catalogues than Bibles are printed each year