› added 7 years ago


Of all the bodies in our solar system, the sun is probably the one we want to give the widest berth. It gushes radiation, and even though its surface is the coolest part of the star, it burns at about 9,940°F, hot enough to incinerate just about any material. As such, there are no plans to send a manned mission in its direction anytime soon (Mars is much more interesting, anyway), but it can't hurt to figure out at what distance a person would want to turn back. You can get surprisingly close.

BrpyW TIL a Harvard professor who had worked with Bill Gates called him shortly after he had left to start Microsoft. The professor recalled, "He had moved to Albuquerque... to run a small company writing code for microprocessors, of all things. I remember thinking: 'Such a brilliant kid. What a waste.'"
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jyaa TIL There was a Smoking Lounge on the Hindenburg. “The smoking room was equipped with an electric lighter, similar to the kind of glowing coil that was once standard issue in automobiles”
Y7OBx TIL the body of Xin Zhui, an Chinese noblewoman from the 2nd century BC, was found remarkably well preserved in a certain liquid in her airtight tomb. Her skin, muscles, organs, blood vessels, hair, and even finger prints were preserved, making it one of the best preserved ancient human remains.
ORAe TIL: Black Entertainment Television (BET) Is owned by a white guy (Sumner Redstone)