› added 4 years ago


TIL In addition to being the second largest country on earth, Canada’s coastline is the longest in the world. At 243,042 km, it is over four times longer than the number two country (Indonesia), and six times longer than the earth’s circumference.

j6AEn TIL a propulsion system travelling at light speed is possible with our current knowledge, but the amounts of energy required are too great for it to be feasible. A spacecraft with a 100m radius would need an amount of energy that is 100s of times Jupiter's mass just to maintain the speed of light.
N7WQ TIL that when Rock Band was in its developing stages, Harmonix codenamed it Rock Band: Nickelback “on the theory that the name of the quintessentially generic modern rock group would be enough to deflect all curiosity.”
vPYYL TIL Ants alone comprise about 20% of the entire animal biomass on land, totalling around 20 quadrillion. They outweigh all mammals and birds on Earth, combined.
OojRa TIL about George Lincoln Rockwell, an american neonazi, former WW2 vet who was best friends with the nation of Islam's founder the "prophet Elijah Muhammad" , he would famously be quoted declaring "Elijah Muhammad as the Hitler of black people" and the highest respect for the nation of islam
X0oDQ TIL: A study by the Nation Center for Health Statistics found that married couples are live longer. Experts suggest that people live longer when you have someone reinforcing healthy behaviors. Men, in particular, according to Director Michael Rendall, derive more health benefits than women.