› added 4 years ago


TIL Berliners love the "currywurst", a sausage topped with curry ketchup, so much, that there have been commemorative coins, novels, plays and movies honoring its invention. By tradition, every candidate for mayor must be photographed in front of a currywurst stand.

jNdbv TIL that the Nazi's went on an Antarctic expedition to claim it before WW2. When doing airplane surveys they had to drop weight, so they dropped boxes of metal swastikas that were supposed to be dropped all over Antarctica. So there's boxes of swastikas on the Antarctic ocean floor somewhere.
x6Oj5 TIL of the “Squeeze”, which was a type of accident in the early days of diving where a catastrophic loss of pressure in the diving suit of the diver. The immense pressure would suck the skin and organs up into the heavy copper diving helmet, leaving the bones and straps of flesh in the diving suit.
xVg9b TIL that while filming There Will Be Blood, the director Paul Thomas Anderson tested the pyrotechnical effects of an oil fire, causing an enormous amount of smoke to intrude on the nearby set of No Country For Old Men, filming of No Country For Old men had to be delayed for a day because of this.
GAvP1 TIL the 1916 and 1968 presidential elections are the only times where the winner lost both their home state and their running mate's state.
l7XyA TIL that there is a random square in Cambridge, Massachusetts bearing the name of the previous King of Thailand. King Bhumibol was born there while his father was a student at Harvard medical school. King Bhumibol Adulyadej Square was dedicated in 1990 by his daughter HRH Chulabhorn.