› added 2 months ago


TIL Andres Serrano once faced extreme controversy for his work, "Immersion (Piss Christ)" (1987), which shows a crucifix of Jesus dunked in urine. In 2023, Pope Francis blessed Serrano and gave him a thumbs up gesture of approval.

oRy8L TIL that the 18th century Badminton Cabinet is the most expensive piece of furniture ever sold at $36.7 million (2004). It is a Florentine ebony chest, inlaid with hard and semiprecious stones commissioned in 1726 by Henry Somerset, 3rd Duke of Beaufort, at the age of 19
XEnaj TIL the last words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr were, "make sure you play Take My Hand, Precious Lord. Play it real pretty." Seconds later he was shot. The song ends with "through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light. Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home"
Z8Y9G TIL during the 1992 L.A. riots, police officers asked the accompanying U.S. Marines to cover them while searching a house for a suspect that held his wife and children hostage. Mistaking the statement "cover them" for suppressive fire, the Marines promptly fired 200 rounds into the house.
Qwja TIL: Delayed cord clamping (which really should be normal cord clamping, since immediate cutting is a premature act) offers some massive health benefits to your baby, but many doctors and hospitals are yet to implement delayed cord clamping as standard practice as they just don’t want to wait
rR17y TIL In 2012, Pitbull was involved in an advertising campaign with Walmart, in which the Walmart store that received the most Facebook "likes", would have Pitbull visit and put on a show there. An orchestrated campaign for him to end up in Kodiak, Alaska was successful.