› added 1 year ago


TIL Australia's first govt-backed pill & drug testing service, after its first month of operation, found that all the cocaine tested by the service had purity levels below 27% with 40% of the samples containing zero cocaine.

DngY TIL that a school in Pennsylvania got students to donate money to Katrina victims by playing “MMMBop” in the halls, the only way to make it stop being to donate. In response, Hanson matched the school’s donation and sent every student a copy of their latest album.
Z8YoQ TIL when "Batman" TV show of the 60s was canceled by ABC after 3 seasons, it was on the verge of being rescued by NBC for a fourth season but it was discovered that the sets of the TV show were already destroyed. NBC rescinded the offer not wanting to spend hundreds of thousands building the set.
NXBvP TIL When Usain Bolt won the 100m sprint in the Olympic final, he only ate chicken nuggets from McDonalds as he didn't want to risk getting an upset stomach from the local cuisine
yQrgv TIL that in 1999 Homer Simpson was voted in a BBC News Online Poll as the 5th Greatest Star of Stage or Screen of the last 1000 years, beating Robert De Niro (6th) and Marylin Monroe (9th).
l7op1 TIL Arctic foxes strongly prefer to dive in a north-easterly direction. They are more likely to make a kill if they jumped along the invisible axis, especially when their prey was hidden by snow. If they pounced to the north-east, they killed on 73% of jumps compared with 18% in other directions .