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TIL Estelle Peck faced a decision after her Japanese husband was incarcerated, stay with her husband of 13 years and be incarcerated or remain in Los Angeles alone. She chose to be with her husband, making her one of the few non-Japanese individuals incarcerated in these camps.

4XMQa TIL of a 100yr old+ Winchester Model 1873 was found abandoned against a tree with the bottom of its stock buried in 4-5 inches of accumulated soil and vegetation, in Great Basin National Park, Nevada, saving it from an eventual wildfire which destroyed said tree. Its called the Forgotten Winchester
Okkg TIL when when Android was unveiled in 2007, Nokia was quoted as saying “we don’t see this as a threat,” and a member of Microsoft’s Windows Mobile team stated “I don’t understand the impact that they are going to have.”
JY8Z1 TIL in 2016, an octopus named Inky mysteriously disappeared from New Zealand's National Aquarium. A wet trail later revealed he escaped his tank through a small hole, slid across the floor at night and squeezed his body through a pipe leading to the ocean.
R5RWl TIL in 2003, Marvel planned to publish a five-part comic series entitled 'Di Another Day' featuring a resurrected Diana, Princess of Wales, as a mutant with superpowers.
dD7R8 TIL when Gauls besieged and sacked City State of Rome in 390BC. Guard Dogs failed to sense the threat of the undetected army. They would be crucified annually ever since. While Geese be decorated for Alerting the garrison.