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TIL that people who develop hearing problems during mid-life (aged 40–65) have an increased risk of developing dementia

GYWeG TIL that New Orleans city lifeguards threw a party to celebrate a season with no drownings. After the party, it was discovered that someone had drowned, despite there being at least 100 lifeguards present, 4 of whom were on duty during the party.
m188p TIL the word 'steppe' doesn't refer to a specific area of Eurasia, but is is a type of 'ecoregion' characterized by grassland plains and is also found in the Americas, Oceania and Africa
R7vWQ TIL Stan Laurel, of Laurel & Hardy, would always graciously reply to fan letters and phone calls. His phone number was listed in the telephone directory and fans could dial the number to speak to him directly. Dick Van Dyke called Laurel when starting out and ultimately had him guest on his show.
d8n8E TIL that the first full size radio-operated military drone was developed in 1935 in the form of the de Havilland DH-82B Queen Bee. Originally developed by the Royal Navy for target practice, it could take off and land without human operation and more than 400 were constructed.
yAjp TIL in the 18th century, stage actor Robert “Romeo” Coates was so bad, yet self-assured with his acting, that theaters would sell out from sheer curiosity. He’d often act out dramatic death scenes multiple times, frighten Juliet, and once came back on stage with a crowbar to pry open Capulet’s tomb.