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TIL that in Ancient Rome, oral sex in general was seen as somewhat disgusting...and forcing a man to orally fellate another was an appropriate punishment for adultery

9YD7 TIL That Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left one of Yuri Gagarin’s cosmonaut medals on the moon to pay tribute to his accomplishment as the world’s first man in space
pYePQ TIL that KangaROOS sneakers, originally produced in 1979, were designed by Bob Gamm, an architect and jogging enthusiast who wanted a place to store his keys and money while running but preferred light clothing without pockets. Because of this, he designed the sneakers to have a zippered pocket.
yQOZV TIL that originally, the classic banker's lamp had a green shade to lessen one's eyestrain due to early incandescent lights. The green eye visor commonly worn by accountants, telegraphers, and copy editors in the late-19th and mid-20th century were worn for similar reasons.
1a7BO TIL that Carl Linnaeus was invited by the mayor of Hamburg to see his taxidermied 7-headed hydra. Linnaeus quickly determined it was a fake held together with glue, and had to flee the city after he publicly said so, ruining the mayor's hopes of selling it for a large fortune.
OGMd6 TIL that Margaret Ann Neve was the first recorded female supercentenarian and the second validated human to reach the age of 110. She was also the first proven individual whose life spanned three centuries, having been born in 1792 and died in 1903.