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TIL That, in 2006 Dr. Phil Mcgraw's license to practice psychology was revoked. As a result, every visitor to his TV program is required to sign a contract specifying that they are there solely to get "advice" from a single person, not a psychologist.

OoW6X TIL of Hisashi Ouchi, a victim of a 1999 Japanese nuclear plant disaster. Radiation burns caused him to have nearly zero white blood cells. Despite his pleas, he was kept alive for research purposes. After 83 days in the hospital, he died of organ failure.
4GLJ TIL of Guenter Verheugen, the guy who got mobile phone manufacturers to adopt MicroUSB as the universal standard for charging/connectivity.
j0pa TIL that after abusing alcohol and drugs for the better half of her life, iconic jazz singer Billie Holiday was swindled out of her earnings and died with all of 70 cents (US$6 in 2016 dollars) in the bank.
d8DWd No one is entirely sure. Water has high surface tension, yet the molecules at its surface are unstable, which makes the air-surface interface mysterious and difficult to describe. Satoshi Nihonyanagi, a researcher at a molecular-spectroscopy lab in Japan, studies water and its surface—"specifically probing the interface," he calls it—using isotopically diluted H2O, which doesn't vibrate and is easier to observe. He's found that some water molecules are bound to others by a single hydrogen bond.
NVxQ TIL M&M’s were originally created to allow easy transport of chocolate to the military