› added 11 years ago


TIL in November 2006 Denise Richards confronted two paparazzi who were photographing her from a balcony, threw their computers off the balcony, which struck two elderly women in wheelchairs.

Lk88P TIL that a woman was jailed for killing her two infants soon after their birth as chances of natural death happening was 1 in 73Mil. She was released after 3 years after finding out that math was faulty and it hadn't considered genetic or environmental factors. She died soon of mental trauma.
r88y TIL In his infamous movie, The Room, Tommy Wiseau originally wanted there to be a plotline in which it is revealed that Johnny is a vampire. This would include a scene where Johnny’s car would start to fly from the rooftop into the night sky.
WkD8N TIL that the Poison Ivy rash itself is NOT contagious. You can only get Poison Ivy from another person if they still have the oil from the plant on them.
yVvLe TIL about "The Lexicon of Comicana" by cartoonist Mort Walker, which posits a universal symbols set for comics/cartoons/etc., and written in response to the engagement w/ his 1964 satirical piece "Let's Get Down to Grawlixes". A grawlix (obscenicon) is typographical profanity censorship i.e. $#!7
e0bb4 TIL: Entrepreneur Laura Scudder (1881-1959), a pioneer of marking food with freshness dates & of using chips bags was refused insurance by male agents. After decades she gave up a $9 million offer for her company when the buyer wouldn't guarantee workers' jobs. (A later $6M offer did protect them.)