› added 8 years ago


TIL there is no such thing as a true one-way mirror; they are equally as reflective on each side, but one room is kept much darker than the other room, thus preventing the lighter room from seeing through it.

0jrj Til there was a man who determined such advanced mathematics 100 years ago that it took until recently for the scientific community to understand it, and it is now a part of string theory. He had no college degree and failed out of college because he was too focused on actually doing things.
GBGJ TIL Elvis Presley asked Richard Nixon if he could get a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Presley believed the badge would allow him to legally enter any country with whatever weapons and drugs he wanted. Nixon obliged.
DQQxV Til of the Beagle Brigade - a team of beagles and their handles whose role is to protect the United States by inspecting luggage that may contain illegal agricultural products and averages over 75,000 seizures annually.
vl5K TIL that when asked why his heroes defeated villains with the last bullet in their guns Gardner answered: “Every time I say ‘Bang’ in a story I get three cents. If you think I’m going to finish a battle while my hero still has fifteen cents worth of unexploded ammunition in his gun, you’re nuts”.
WVgB TIL that a woman threatened to sue MGM after viewing the 1932 movie Freaks, claiming it caused her to miscarry. The movie features actually deformed circus “freaks”, and has been banned in Ireland, Sweden, the UK, and several other areas over the years.