› added 2 years ago


TIL about "exploding caskets" being a problem in mausoleums. The process of decay builds up gasses that can cause a literal explosion and knock down the marble front of a crypt.

JNn4 TIL that as a child Muhammad Ali was refused an autograph from his boxing idol Sugar Ray Robinson. When Ali became a prized fighter he vowed to never deny an autograph request, which he honored through his entire career. He even had a special P.O. box for anyone who wanted his autograph.
d8EGB TIL Bees don't poop in the hive. Over the winter, it builds up because they stay out of the cold. On warm winter days, they will all fly out at the same time on what are called "cleansing flights."
eppM4 TIL that Milwaukee does actually translate to "The Good Land", but not in Algonquin
akk0 TIL an early version of Picasso’s The Weeping Woman was stolen from the National Gallery of Victoria with the ransom demand being an increase in funding to the arts. The painting was later found undamaged in a locker at a Melbourne train station and the theft remains unsolved today.
ADLAl High-speed video imaging colored to reveal the two main components of a sneeze show a shower of larger droplets, green, whose trajectories can extend up to two meters from the person sneezing, yellow, and a cloud, red, made of a mixture of smaller droplets suspended in moist, warm gas. Pathogen-bearing droplets can be suspended in the air for not just seconds, but minutes, and can travel up to 27 feet.