› added 3 years ago


TIL about Pataphysics, a “philosophy” of science that “examines imaginary phenomena that exist in a world beyond metaphysics”. The College of Pataphysics in Paris is permanently headed by Dr. Faustroll, a fictional character, and their Vice-Curator position was previously held by a crocodile.

x6k5b TIL after the death of Larry Hillblom on 1995, several children and their mothers from across South East Asia claimed he was their father. As no DNA from Larry was available due to him dying in a plane crash, the probate court searched for claimants with shared DNA
eplr6 TIL: When St. Patrick was 16 years old, he was captured by Irish pirates. His enslavement eventually led to his conversion to Christianity.
R954 TIL That 2 damaged Israeli Centurion tanks during the Yom Kippur War, fought & completely destroyed 60 Syrian T-55’s & T-62’s, annihilating the Tank division in the Golan Heights and ultimately halting their advance.
awg50 TIL a woman was killed in her car in Brooklyn when a bullet ricocheted off of the ocean nearby and hit her through her open car window. The perpetrator was a man who’d been practicing shooting at a floating beer can on his boat in the middle of the bay.
ne85Y TIL primary school children in Scotland honored their class pets who had died with a Viking-style ceremony. They crafted boats from cardboard for goldfish Bubbles & Freddy, spoke dedications to the fish, and then set fire to the boat which was to carry their pets to the Viking Gods in Valhalla.