› added 5 years ago


TIL that a Florida man was awarded $37,500 after cops mistook glazed donut crumbs for meth. Daniel Rushing was pulled over when the cops searched his car. They tested white crystals they found and it tested positive for meth. Rushing told them they were donut crumbs but they wouldn't listen.

8eBOa TIL that in Roman Republic women were not given personal names. Rather their names would reflect their ancestry. Sisters would have the same names differentiated by a number (or if there are only two sisters they be called the older and the younger) and later in life by their husband's name
neZpr TIL that the Japanese language has only 100 syllables. But, it takes knowledge of about 1900 characters to write words with them. English has over 2600 one-syllable words, and thousands of different syllables, all of which are written using only 26 characters.
W7wYd TIL that after filming the music video for "Eyes Without a Face", the contact lenses that Billy Idol wore in it fused onto him and had to be surgically removed. For the next three days, he essentially had a face without eyes
g114 TIL that the creators of Cards Against Humanity released a holiday expansion pack and all proceeds were donated directly to Wikipedia. This because, “Without it we would not have known the exact volume of a dose of fresh boar sperm or graduated college.”
YpOxW TIL the reason why refrigerators are magnetized. Until the Refrigerator Safety Act in 1956 refrigerators could only open from the outside and many children died from getting trapped inside them.