› added 4 years ago


TIL - That Parkinson's Law is the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". It is sometimes applied to the growth of bureaucracy in an organization. Further, he defined a "coefficient of inefficiency" with the number of members as the main determining variable

kO10g TIL Nestlé sued the writers of a booklet called “The Baby Killer”, about Nestlé’s aggressive marketing of baby formula in 3rd world countries, for libel. The court ruled in Nestlé’s favor since they wouldn’t have been found guilty of murder “in terms of criminal law" but fined the writers just $400.
xAV1 TIL that to eliminate all the elusive invasive goats in the Galapagos, researchers attached a radio-collar to a ‘Judas goat’ who would, because of its gregarious nature, seek out other goats. It was then tracked down, the group killed, but with the 'traitor’ left alive in order to find more goats.
loEkV TIL the word "emoji" comes from the Japanese characters "e" (picture) and "moji" (letter or character), and has nothing to do with the English word "emotion"
N71pP TIL Yawns are contagious because of social mirroring, which makes animals mimic social cues due to mirror neurons in the brain.
wow4W TIL in the early 1990s Amsterdam airport came up with an ingenious design “to etch an image of a black house fly” to reduce spillage in men’s wall mounted urinals. The result: spillage was 80% reduced. Lesson learnt- If you give men a target, it turns out, they can’t help but aim at it.