› added 4 years ago


TIL In the late 1970s, Iranian authorities managed to convince conservative families living in rural areas to allow their daughters to study away from home. Authorities realised that in order to run the country they needed to educate both men and women

ne00B TIL about Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was kept captive for 19 yrs by her mother, Dee Dee, who faked medical conditions that her daughter had in order for her to be seen as a caregiver. Dee Dee is a classic Munchausen syndrome by proxy. After Gypsy had Dee Dee killed, she was sentenced 10yrs in prison
gr1KX TIL in 1959, John Howard Griffin passed himself as a Black man and travelled around the Deep South to witness segregation and Jim Crow, afterward writing about his experience in "Black Like Me"
e0VEg TIL that honey bees only die after they sting humans (or other mammals), but are able to repeatedly sting other insects because they can successfully retract their stinger
bZNj TIL on August 16, 1942, a military blimp left San Francisco bay on a routine submarine-spotting mission. A few hours later, the airship wandered back over land and crashed with nobody aboard. Life rafts and other rescue gear had not been touched, and the fate of the 2-man crew has never been solved.
yVYLV TIL about the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, an anarchist collective teaching people how to make DIY versions of expensive pharmaceuticals at a fraction of the cost. Four Thieves Vinegar Collective call what they do “right to repair for your body.”