› added 4 years ago


TIL Warren Buffett disowned his son Peter's adopted daughter, Nicole, in 2006 after she participated in the documentary "The One Percent", about the growing economic inequality between the wealthy and the average citizen in the United States.

Z8K6G TIL that in 2006, the brakes failed on Joaquin Phoenix's car in Hollywood, and he flipped off the road. He was found by Werner Herzog, who stopped Phoenix from lighting a cigarette as gasoline leaked into the car cabin. Herzog broke the back windscreen, helped Phoenix out, and then went home.
DQavJ TIL that in The Shawshank Redemption, when Morgan Freeman’s character is asked “why do they call you Red?” and he responds with “maybe it’s because I’m Irish”. It’s because the character in the novel was a red haired Irish man. They cast Freeman for the part but added the line as a joke.
Ooy86 TIL about Karen Silkwood, a chemical technician who died in a car crash after attempting to expose unethical things done at the nuclear power plant she worked in.
6oOY TIL that India has proposed to link 67 rivers to prevent floods and droughts. By doing so, an area equivalent to that of Germany will be irrigated.
e0vp5 TIL of Giuseppe Castiglione, an Italian Jesuit missionary to China who became the court artist of the Qing Emperors. Rather than just force European art on the Chinese or copy Chinese styles, Giuseppe blended the two styles together, which created an entirely new fusion painting style in Chinese art