› added 4 years ago


TIL before 1975, the BBC overwrote or destroyed old show tapes. Hundreds of Doctor Who episodes were thought lost forever, until a worldwide hunt began to turn them up—e.g. 2 in a London Mormon Church, and a goldmine 9 in Nigeria (employees had ignored instructions to burn them). 97 remain unfound.

VMxPQ TIL Brooks Brothers originally sold suits to slaveowners for their slaves to wear. Because slaves could not come in for a custom fitting, Brooks Brothers created the first “one size fits all” suit.
awkDJ TIL that in 2004, Forbes named J.K. Rowling the first person to become a billionaire (in US dollars) from writing books. By 2012, she had donated so much money to charity that they had to remove her from the rich list because she was no longer a billionaire.
lojKa TIL there are 18 types of ice crystal including recently confirmed Ice XVIII or Supersonic Ice. It exists under extreme pressure, is black, very hot, and heavier than regular ice. Scientists believe it's the most abundant form of water in the universe and is found deep in icy planets like Uranus.
p7VG TIL that Mikhail Gorbachev chose to not have his birthmark removed, because he believed the public would perceive him as being more concerned with his appearance than other more important issues.
MMka TIL that Mr. Rogers, after discovering that his limo driver was stuck waiting in the car, invited him to enter a PBS exec’s house. Later, Rogers entertained the driver’s family with jazz piano.