› added 5 years ago


TIL that the Holy See (The Catholic Church) became the first legal partner to Hitler's regime. The Vatican and Nazis signed Reichskonkordat, a treaty which removed the German church from any continued role of opposition to Hitler, and required bishops to take an oath of loyalty to the German Reich.

y80w TIL Putin wrote an oped for NYT in 1999 selling Intervention + Targeted Strikes on Chechnya
78e5x TIL that instant coffee is freeze dried brewed coffee.
4Xk0X TIL That May 29th is Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day
W7kdB TIL I learned the church of scientology had a troubled teen program like the turn about ranch
p81kp TIL 'CQD' was the international distress symbol before 'SOS'