› added 4 years ago


TIL that French fashion designers Chanel sent two design team members to the remote Fair Isles in Scotland for research purposes. Having purchased two sweaters from Scottish knitwear designer Mati Ventrillon, Chanel proceeded to plagiarise the design for a fashion show in Italy.

Wk9ZY Today I learned Shia LaBeouf was so unpopular on the set of Fury for his antics (face cutting, tooth pulling, not washing to get into character) he was installed in a bed and breakfast away from the rest of the cast during filming
vYVD TIL Ray Bradbury originally titled Fahrenheit 451 as “The Fireman”, but he & editors found the name boring so they called a local fire station and asked what temperature book paper burnt at. The firemen put Bradbury on hold, burnt a book, and reported that the temp it burnt at was “Fahrenheit 451”
1a9y8 TIL that according to a University of Chicago study, while the joy of receiving gifts lessens over time, the psychological benefits of giving do not. Participants’ happiness hardly declined if they repeatedly bestowed gifts on others, versus repeatedly receiving those same gifts themselves.
7J8Z TIL that there is no evidence that Pythagoras worked on or proved the Pythagorean theorem, or, for that matter, any mathematical problems at all.
ep6n4 TIL A British sea launched air raid in Nov 1940 on the docked Italian Mediterranean fleet at Taranto inadvertently influenced the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. The raid destroyed or damaged 6 key Italian ships for the loss of two planes, changing the tide of the war in the Med.